Korea University Department of Data Science

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Basic common courses

기초공통과목 교육과정

Course Number

Course Title



AAA501 Department Seminar 1 1 1
AAA502 Department Seminar 2 1 1
AAA503 Department Seminar 3 1 1
AAA504 Department Seminar 4 1 1
AAA511 Advanced Software Engineering 3 3
AAA512 Advanced Databases 3 3
AAA513 Advanced Operating Systems 3 3
AAA514 Advanced Computer Architecture 3 3
AAA515 Advanced Embedded Software Technology 3 3
AAA516 Advanced Data Structure 3 3
AAA517 System Modeling 3 3
AAA518 Ubiquitous Computing 3 3
AAA519 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 3
AAA520 Computer Graphics 3 3
AAA521 Theory of Artificial Intelligence 3 3
AAA522 Introduction to Information Security 3 3
AAA523 Computer Network 3 3
AAA524 Introduction to Virtual Reality 3 3
AAA525 Game Physics 3 3
AAA526 Advanced Information Retrieval 3 3
AAA527 Requirements Engineering 3 3
AAA528 Computational Logic 3 3
AAA529 Supercomputing Systems and Applications 3 3
AAA530 Introduction to High-Capacity Computing 3 3
AAA531 Grand Challenges in Next Generation HCI 3 3
AAA532 Distributed Algorithms 3 3
AAA533 Digital Signal Processing Applications 3 3
AAA534 Computer Vision 3 3
AAA551 Programming Language Theory 3 3
AAA552 Computer Security 3 3
AAA553 Technical Presentation 3 3
AAA554 Technical Writing 3 3
AAA555 Current Issues in Computer Science and Engineering 3 3
AAA557 Introduction to Smart Factory 3 3
AAA558 Internship Ⅰ 3 3
AAA559 Internship Ⅱ 3 3
AAA591 Computing Education Seminar 1 3 3
AAA592 Computing Education Seminar 2 3 3
AAA593 Smart Factory Security Seminar Ⅰ 1 1
AAA594 Smart Factory Security Seminar Ⅱ 1 1
AAA595 IT Leadership and Self-development 3 3

Major courses

전공과목 교육과정

Course Number

Course Title



AAA601 Advanced Modeling and Simulation 3 3
AAA602 Machine Learning Applications 3 3
AAA603 Parallel Processing Systems 3 3
AAA604 Network Security 3 3
AAA605 Speech Information Processing 3 3
AAA606 Natural Language Processing Applications 3 3
AAA607 Mobile Computing 3 3
AAA608 Cloud Security 3 3
AAA609 Wireless Internet 3 3
AAA610 Korean Information Processing 3 3
AAA611 Operating System Design 3 3
AAA612 Embedded Device Driver 3 3
AAA613 Game Programming 3 3
AAA614 Interactive 3D Programming 3 3
AAA615 Theories in Formal Models 3 3
AAA616 Program Analysis 3 3
AAA617 Knowledge Representation Techniques 3 3
AAA619 Pattern Recognition 3 3
AAA620 Software Project Management 3 3
AAA621 Computer System Design 3 3
AAA622 Multimedia Communication Protocols 3 3
AAA623 Software Security 3 3
AAA624 Trusted Computing 3 3
AAA625 Numerical Linear Algebra 3 3
AAA626 Internet Protocols 3 3
AAA627 Advanced HCI 3 3
AAA628 3D Computational Geometry 3 3
AAA629 Physics-based Animation 3 3
AAA630 Web Data Management 3 3
AAA631 스Bioinformatics 3 3
AAA632 Database System Design and Implementation 3 3
AAA633 Visual Computing 3 3
AAA634 Advanced Processor Architectures 3 3
AAA635 Data Mining 3 3
AAA636 XML Data Management 3 3
AAA637 Distributed Mobile Data Management 3 3
AAA638 Computational and Visual Analytics 3 3
AAA639 Information Extraction and Text Mining 3 3
AAA640 Fault-Tolerance Systems 3 3
AAA641 Software Architecture 3 3
AAA642 Deep Learning 3 3
AAA643 Advanced Hypermedia 3 3
AAA671 Learning Science and ICT 3 3
AAA672 Educational Data Mining 3 3
AAA673 Advanced Brain Computer Interface 3 3
AAA674 Learning Analytics and Information Visualization 3 3
AAA691 Advanced Computing Education 3 3
AAA692 Advanced Computing Curriculum 3 3
AAA693 Educational Theory and Advanced Teaching Method for Computing 3 3
AAA694 Advanced Educational Programming Language 3 3
AAA695 Computing Education Evaluation 3 3
AAA696 Computing Education Tools and Environment 3 3
AAA701 Digital Forensics 3 3
AAA702 Big Data Security 3 3
AAA703 Embedded System Testing 3 3
AAA704 Intro. to Computer Music 3 3
AAA705 Software Testing and Quality Assurance 3 3
AAA706 Theory of Special Effects 3 3
AAA707 Massive Data Management 3 3
AAA708 Applied Microprocessor Design 3 3
AAA709 Special Topics in Databases 3 3
AAA710 Sensor Networks 3 3
AAA711 Advanced Embedded System 3 3
AAA712 Internet Architecture 3 3
AAA713 Special Topics in Distributed Systems 3 3
AAA714 High Performance Computing Systems 3 3
AAA715 Malware 3 3
AAA716 CPS Security Operation 3 3
AAA717 Information Security Law and Ethics 3 3
AAA718 Industrial IoT System Design 3 3
AAA719 Industrial Control System Security Design 3 3
AAA720 Industrial IoT Blockchain 3 3
AAA721 AI Security 3 3
AAA722 Field PracticeⅠ 3 3
AAA723 Field Practice Ⅱ 3 3
AAA724 Field Practice Ⅲ 3 3
AAA725 Entrepreneurship and Technology Startups 3 3
AAA726 Computational Geometry 3 3
AAA727 Active Microwave Circuits 3 3
AAA728 Computational Geometry 3 3